‘THIS IS A BOOKSHOP’ Sign Goes Viral

By Jason Boog 

A reader snapped a photograph of that sign at the The Albion Beatnik bookstore in Oxford. UPDATE: One reader reminds us that the sign was adapted from a typography broadside written by Beatrice Warde about the power of type. You can read her original inspirational message here.

The sign has been viewed thousands of times online as digital readers share their love of bookstores. Here’s more about the Albion Beatnik at For Book’s Sake (be sure to read the entire review):

Opening some time around midday and usually closing after midnight, this is a place where you can sit in dilapidated red buttonback sofas and choose the poet mug you want to drink your (very strong, very good) coffee out of (I’m always Sylvia Plath. Fortunately there are two Plath mugs so I rarely have to resort to actually wrestling the other clientele or settling for Seamus Heaney) … It’s a place where zinesters meet to pillage material for handmades, politics students tap out theses whilst stopping to explain Bukowski or canvas customers on a point of Marxist theory, and poetry groups (the Backroom Poets, Oxford Improvisers, Oxford University Poetry Society and many both more and less official) meet to plot whatever it is poetry groups meet and plot about.