The 6 Word Advice for Writers Challenge

By Dianna Dilworth 

Smith Magazine’s Six-Word Memoir project is celebrating National Novel Writing Month and a new advice book by encouraging writers to share writing advice in six words.

In the new book, author Elizabeth Gilbert recommends, “Chances are, your editor is right.” Kurt Andersen‘s advice: “Clichés: avoidable in art, not life.” Vendela Vida‘s guidance: “So many dead writers to read,” and David Baldacci‘s instruction: “Can’t say something nice? Try fiction.”

Six-Word Memoir editor Larry Smith suggests, “Write drunk, edit sober, Refill glass.” NaNoWriMo executive director advices, “When in doubt, write with abandon.” NaNo’s founder Chris Baty says, “No plot? No problem. Just write.”

Do you have some advice to give? Share it on Twitter with the hashtag #NaNoSix until November 6, 3pm ET. The winning advisors will get a free copy of the new six-word book.