The Publishing Gospel According to Michael M. Thomas

By Jason Boog 

Michaelmthomas.gifWith experience as a New York City journalist, Wall Street partner, and bestselling novelist, Michael M. Thomas has a unique perspective on the publishing industry. Today on the Morning Media Menu, the author of Love and Money took witty shots at the literary world.

On the American reader: “I write books that I think I would like to read, and based on my recent experience on my last three books before this one, I would have to say there are not many people out there who like to read the books that I like to read. On the other hand, to me, there is no more useless and tiresome writer than Malcolm Gladwell, and he sells about a billion books a title.”

On publishers: “You have large publishing companies essentially run by young people who aren’t interested in reading books. What they are interested in is lunch.”

And finally, on literary criticism: “Book reviews don’t matter much anymore. I’ve had nothing but good book reviews in People over the years. The trouble is, the people that read People don’t read reviews; and the people that read reviews don’t read People.”