The Only Thing I Have to Say About Obama Nation

By Neal 

obama-nation-cover.jpgEnough people have asked what I think about today’s NY Times page-one story on the new anti-Obama book from Jerome Corsi, the guy who swift-boated John Kerry in ’04, that I’m going to briefly break my usual policy—which is that outlets like Simon and Schuster and the Times may choose to give people like Corsi the attention they so blatantly crave, but that doesn’t mean I have to.

The article notes that Corsi’s book claims that Barack Obama has never answered questions about when he stopped using drugs; the Times notes two sources that have Obama definitively answering that question, to which Corsi replies: “Self-reporting, by people who have used drugs, as to when they stopped is inherently unreliable.”

I can’t wait for Corsi to go on the Rush Limbaugh show and trot that one out. And if he really wants to impress me, he’ll find a way to say it in front of Cindy McCain… or, better yet, our president the recovering alcoholic.

As for what the big sales for Obama Nation mean, Jeff Bercovici has a good answer.