The Library of Bad Books

By Jason Boog 

michaelb.jpgWhat’s your favorite bad book? Is there a book filled with terrible dialogue, cheesy illustrations, or mind-boggling plot twists that you love despite of (or perhaps because of) its flaws?

We spent the weekend laughing at the so-bad-it’s-good artwork stored in the brilliant Museum of Bad Art, and decided it was time to build The Library of Bad Books. Add your favorites in the comments section, and we will keep expanding the archive with your suggestions. Over at Awful Library Books they have been collecting some of the so-bad-it’s-good books uncovered at libraries–a laugh out loud collection.

Check out the site for inspiration, like this Michael Bolton book: “This is part of a chapter entitled ‘Close Encounters,’ which includes brief uncredited stories from Bolton fan club members. The story sucked me in with its romance novel tone then slapped me around with its unexpected change in narrative mode. She must have been in a M.I.T. when writing this.”