The Devil Girl Made Him Do It

By Neal 

truckin.jpgWell, we know Robert Crumb won’t be joining the ranks of Amazon-hosted bloggers any time soon. Crumb’s suing the online retailer for copyright infringement over an incident that happened a few years back, reports LAT staffer Chris Gaither:

“People who searched the Amazon website for a product that it didn’t carry were shown Crumb’s famous ‘Keep on Truckin” image—a big-footed man in full stride, leaning sharply backward—with instructions to keep on looking.”

Amazon took the image down as soon as they heard from Crumb’s lawyer; the suit’s been filed because the two parties can’t agree on how much the cartoonist should be paid for all those times people did see it on the site. Marquette Law professor Eric Goldman suggests on his blog that the ramifications for the ‘net could be huge; he’s also got a copy of Crumb’s complaint.(Story and image, reproduced solely for its newsworthiness but we’ll take it down right away if you ask, Mr. Crumb, found on The Comics Reporter.)