‘The Art of The Deal’ Ghostwriter Reacts to Donald Trump’s Win

By Maryann Yin 

Tony Schwartz 200 (GalleyCat)Tony Schwartz has posted several messages on Twitter about the results of the 2016 presidential election. Below, we’ve collected some of his tweets in a Storify post.

Schwartz has become well-known as the ghostwriter behind Donald Trump’s 1987 The Art of the Deal. Earlier this year, he sat for a tell-all interview with The New Yorker and expressed great regret for having written The Art of the Deal.

Since the results of the election were announced, a number of writers and celebrities have shared their reactions. Toni Morrison, a Nobel Laureate, wrote a piece for The New Yorker entitled “Making America White Again.” Jennifer Lawrence, an Oscar-winning actress, crafted an essay for Vice’s Broadly called “Don’t Be Afraid, Be Loud.” John Green created a video for the Vlogbrothers YouTube channel to reveal his “post-election thoughts.”