Take Your Time: Script Frenzy Tip #29

By Jason Boog 

As the Script Frenzy writing marathon draws to a close, we need to remind ourselves that finishing a script is not a race. Screenwriter James D. Solomon took 18 years to finish his script about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln!

Here’s more from the writer: “I looked at as many primary sources as possible. There are press accounts. There are some first-person accounts of what took place, but it’s limited. Then I looked at diaries of individuals who were in similar circumstances whether it was a union officer or a woman who ran a boarding house. I did not show a draft to anyone for three years as I researched and wrote and rewrote. This was a story no one knows wrapped in a story everyone knows.”

To help all the aspiring screenwriters, comic book writers, and playwrights participating in the Script Frenzy writing marathon, we will feature a new script writing tool or tip every day this month. Read all the advice at this link.