Syracuse Seniors Yawn at Frank McCourt

By Neal 

The Daily Orange, the campus newspaper of Syracuse University, runs a front-page editorial today protesting the selection of Frank McCourt as commencement speaker because he’s not famous enough. No, seriously: “There is one word that comes to everyone’s mind when informed of this choice,” writes Orangeman senior Dennis Jacobs. “‘Who?'” And don’t think they’re impressed that he won a Pulitzer when they were twelve, either, because they aren’t. “Students are willing to give up an amazing speech by a lesser known speaker for a more mediocre speech by a well-known person,” Jacobs insists, adding, “Aaron Sorkin, Bob Costas, John Sykes, even Shades from That Thing You Do would excite more students than McCourt.”

Okay, based on that last bit, maybe it’s all written not so seriously, but who can tell with these kids today? (Oh, God, I feel so old now…)