Steve Jobs Stars in Another Comic Book

By Maryann Yin 

Bluewater Productions has released a new comic book biography called Steve Jobs: Founder of Apple. The 32-page comic features cover art by Joe Phillips, pencils by Chris Schmidt and a script by C.W. Cooke.

According to Bluewater, the comic was inspired by success of a successful comic profiling Facebook co-founder Mark Zuckerberg. Bluewater also has a comic book biography of Microsoft mogul Bill Gates slated for release in March. The title, Bill Gates: Co-Founder of Microsoft, was written by Martin Pierro and illustrated by Zach Bassett.

The Bluewater comic writing was completed prior to Steve Jobsdeath in October. Jobs now stars in Amazon’s most popular 2011 holiday book and two comic books. As we previously reported, Forbes published a 60-page graphic novel called The Zen of Steve Jobs.

Here’s more from PC Magazine: “Jobs has been immortalized in books, documentaries, and TV specials, and there are rumors that his story might eventually make its way to the big screen, so it’s not much of a surprise that Bluewater’s book isn’t the only Jobs comic out there … Chinese company In Icons began taking order for an eerily lifelike Steve Jobs action figure.”