Starbucks Taps Ex-Child Soldier for Book Sales

By Neal 

ishmael-beah.jpgAfter selling nearly 100,000 copies of Mitch Albom‘s For One More Day, Starbucks has announced that the next literary offering at its coffeeshops will be A Long Way Gone, the memoir of 26-year-old Ishmael Beah (left, decked out in Armani for a Playboy feature on hip writers wearing jackets), who was pressed into combat in Sierra Leone’s civil wars as a young child and now acts an adviser to Human Rights Watch as well as speaking about child soldier issues before the United Nations on several occasions. In fact, Starbucks plans to donate $2 from each sale of the book, which will be published by FSG next month, to UNICEF.

Sarah adds: Way back in October, when speculation abounded about Starbucks’ next book choice, we thought the winner might be Katherine Taylor , whose debut novel is slated for a spring publication by FSG. Score us one for two, then – right publisher, wrong author…