Some pre-empts require little explanation

By Carmen 

But for those who might need one, here it is: take Will Leitch, editor of Deadspin and all around sports nut. Add Kate Lee, agent to the blogging stars (but those that generally tend to write real books.) Mix in David Hirshey, executive editor and VP of HarperCollins who columnizes weekly on Deadspin as “The Closer.” What do you get? THE BALLAD OF RON MEXICO: Why ESPN, yellow bracelets, fantasy leagues, and yes, bloggers, have ruined sports for real fans and how we can get them back, which Publishers Marketplace reports is “a humorous call to arms in which the ringmaster of the influential sports blog punctures today’s out of control jockocracy and offers a blueprint how to put the fun back into our games.”

Pre-empt math is so much fun!