Skyhorse & Salon to Launch the Hot Books Imprint

By Maryann Yin 

skyhorsepublishing304Skyhorse Publishing and Salon founder David Talbot are partnering together to launch a new investigative imprint called “Hot Books.” According to the press release, the Hot Books mission is to “ignite national debate on the most urgent problems facing the country, filling the investigative gap left by newspapers and magazines as they cut their budgets for in-depth reporting.”

The editorial team at Hot Books will acquire manuscripts that focus on “controversial issues” written by “fearless authors.” Some of the titles slated for release include Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. and Dick Russell’s Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Rebecca Gordon’s American Nuremberg, and Mark Hertsgaard’s Bravehearts.

Skyhorse and Salon will build a “co-branded digital platform” for this new venture. The Salon website will feature content from Hot Books titles such as excerpts, scoops, and author interviews.