Sherman Alexie Will Meet with Amazon Reps

By Jason Boog 

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Following his disparaging remarks about Amazon’s Kindle in the NY Times and his subsequent clarification on a popular literary blog, author Sherman Alexie has agreed to meet with Amazon and “and listen to their arguments for the machines.”

Yesterday the author of the National Book Award-winning book, “The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian” said he felt unfairly vilified for taking a stand against Amazon’s popular e-reader. On his personal website, Alexie added that he finally accepted a long-standing meeting request from Amazon.

Check it out: “I have been especially humbled by those Kindle readers who, because of various physical issues, can only read with the machines. While I still have serious qualms about the technology, I have been challenged and emotionally moved enough to take a long-requested meeting with the folks at Amazon and Kindle and listen to their arguments for the machines. I’m on Amazon’s list of most-requested authors whose fiction is not available electronically, so now, thanks to the beautiful emails I received, I will do my best to enter the meeting with an open mind. And I definitely promise that I will not beat up anybody at Amazon or Kindle.” (Via MobyLives)