Self-Published Author Lands Book Deal After 125 Years

By Jason Boog 

125 years after it was first self-published, Illustrations of the Nests and Eggs of Birds of Ohio by naturalist and artist Genevieve Jones will be published by Princeton Architectural Press.

Inspired by viewing John James Audubon‘s The Birds of America collection, the 29-year-old author wrote and illustrated a lovely volume before her tragic death. The new $45 book, America’s Other Audubon, contains 68 color illustrations, the original field notes and new text by Joy M. Kiser.

Check it out: “Her brother collected the nests and eggs, her father paid for the publishing, and Genevieve learned lithography and began illustrating the specimens. When Genevieve died suddenly of typhoid fever, her family labored for seven years to finish the project in her memory. The original book, sold by subscription in twenty-three parts, included Presidents Rutherford B. Hayes and Theodore Roosevelt among its subscribers. Only ninety copies of the original book were published in 1886, and fewer than twenty-five copies now remain in institutions and private hands.”