Seattle Bookseller Refuses To Stock Amazon Mystery Imprint

By Jason Boog 

J.B. Dickey, the owner of Seattle Mystery Bookshop, has refused to host a signing or stock books from Amazon’s new Thomas & Mercer mystery imprint.

Dickey published his entire email exchange with a writer about this topic (the author’s name has been deleted). Entitled “You Can’t Shake the Devil’s Hand and Say You’re Only Kidding,” his post should inspire some debate among independent booksellers. What do you think?

Here’s an excerpt: “Sorry to say that we cannot offer you a signing. We cannot do anything to support, help or benefit Amazon. They’re the enemy of independent bookshops and aiding them in any way – mainly ordering their books and selling them and promoting them – would be suicide. Things are tough enough without cutting our own throats.” (Via Sarah Weinman)