Ryan Chapman Named Online Marketing Manager at Farrar, Straus and Giroux

By Jason Boog 

ryanchapman23.pngMacmillan’s Ryan Chapman (pictured) has transitioned from the publisher’s central online marketing department to now serve specifically as the online marketing manager at Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

Here’s more about his new job: “I felt it was time to specialize, to work closely with authors and titles in a way I couldn’t before. And since I grew up reading FSG’s authors and greatly respect the people who work there, it was a natural fit … I’ve come up with a list of a dozen experiments for 2010, all in the service of navigating the changes in reader’s habits. These are not grand, expensive ideas. But they are easier to implement with a focused list and an equally focused team of editors and publicists.”

His post about the job also includes a reference to Destroyer’s literary tune, “Farrar, Straus and Giroux (Sea of Tears)”–a late addition to GalleyCat’s Best Writing Music list.