Rachel Louise Carson Gets Google Doodle for Her 107th Birthday

By Maryann Yin 


A new Google Doodle has been unleashed to celebrate the 107th birthday of National Book Award-winning author and marine biologist Rachel Louise Carson.

According to The Washington Post, Carson became well known for her bestselling nonfiction titles: Under the Sea Wind, The Sea Around Us, The Edge of the Sea, and Silent Spring. In fact, Silent Spring has been credited as the work that “ignited the modern environmental movement.”

In the past, Google has crafted Doodles in honor of Pride & Prejudice author Jane AustenAnd Then There Were None author Agatha Christie, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea author Jules Verne, and more. Here’s a video from Google headquarters spotlighting the artists behind the doodles. Which authors would you suggest as future Doodle subjects?