QR Codes and Publishing

By Jason Boog 

Fourth Story Media
reported on that living book experiment at the Brazilian online bookseller, Editoras Online. The company posted 4,000 special QR code stickers around Sao Paulo, Brazil, inviting readers to take cell phone pictures of these interactive symbols.

The coded symbol would open a webpage on the cellphone. There, readers would find two kinds of Twitter-sized entries. One set about hate: “I hate monkeys. The smaller they are, the more I hate them,” and one set about love: “There is no love that is forbidden but people unable to love.” Readers were invited to contribute their own examples via Twitter, constantly updating the stream of love and hate-themed posts.

As a final product, the books seller published a print book full of QR code pages–each linking back to updated entries from the love and hate Twitter stream. The company is selling this constantly-evolving experimental text at Editoras Online.