QR Code Tools for Booksellers, Authors & Publishers

By Jason Boog 

qrcodeA comScore report revealed that 14 million American mobile users scanned a QR code in June–that’s six percent of all mobile device users.  Below, we’ve linked to QR code resources for publishing professionals who want to use these digital bar codes to sell books or link to digital extras.

More than 250 independent bookstores around the country now sell Google eBooks on their websites. However, it takes some tech savvy and effort to educate customers about these new resources.

At BookExpo America this year, we caught up with ABA/IndieBound web developer Matt Supko to collect tips for booksellers struggling to share eBooks with customers.

1. Include QR codes on your shelves–these digital barcodes can link to individual eBooks in your catalog. Shoppers can browse your curated collection in the store and use their cell phone to buy the book on your website. Use one of these free tools to generate QR codes: Kaywa, GoQR.me, Zxing, or QR Stuff.

2. Be sure to explain how your readers can use QR codes. Help them find QR code readers like Kaywa Reader, Zxing Reader, Qrafter and Optiscan so they can quickly browse for digital books in your store. Read more about QR readers at this link.

3. Continue to promote your website all over the store: signs in the stacks, notes by the cash register and on the store hours sign in the window. One bookstore had a sign over the hours: “Open 24-7 online!”