Publishing’s Darkest Moments in 2009

By Jason Boog 

beyondthebook.jpgIt was a rough year for the publishing industry, from the conglomerate publishers down to the indie bookstores. While preparing for a podcast interview with Beyond the Book, this GalleyCat editor compiled a temporary list of the worst moments in publishing in 2009.

A best moments in publishing list will follow, but we are looking for more suggestions for the final year-end round-up of publishing news. What do you think were the darkest moments for publishing this year?

1. Walmart led price war.

2.Amazonfail: Amazon’s cataloging error rattled readers.

3. HarperCollins shuttered Collins.

4. Rod Blagojevich scored a six-figure book deal after a corruption scandal.

5. After a whole year of negotiation, the parties involved in the Google Books settlement can’t reach agreement.