Publisher’s Weekly Releases Best Books 2011 Guide

By Dianna Dilworth 

Publisher’s Weekly has released a free web-based app for its Best Books 2011 Guide. The app includes an interactive presentation of the magazine’s 100 top book picks of the year plus the Top 40 books of the year.

Follow this link to explore the app. You can see top 10 book lists by genre including fiction, nonfiction, romance, mystery/thriller and comics, among others. Once you select a category, you can mouse through the top 10 list by clicking on icons of the book covers at the bottom of the screen.

The app mines PW’s archives for reviews, interviews and author profiles, for your background reading about these top reads. For example, if you click on the fiction category, the first title to pop up is The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides. The app includes a description of the book, a picture and the PW review of the title.