Porochista Khakpour Raising Funds for Medical Battle

By Jason Boog 

Novelist Porochista Khakpour is fighting late-stage Lyme Disease and hopes to raise $18,000 online for the expensive medical battle.

Follow this link if you want to support the author of Sons and Other Flammable Objects. So far, her campaign has raised nearly $5,000 in pledges. Here’s more about the situation:

After going on all sorts of medication regimens for the wrong diagnoses, a very specialized test revealed I have Lyme (these Lyme tests alone cost $2000). I have been mostly bedridden for the last months (though been fighting this) and things are rapidly advancing–I am now I am having extreme trouble with my digestive system (can’t swallow solid foods properly) on top of other problems. I’m trying to afford the type of IV antibiotic therapy that this condition now warrants and to move to a city where I can be properly treated by an LLMD (the one recommended is $280 an hour). Right now, I am most worried about my old hospital costs–the bills are pouring in and the financial depts are not being sympathetic.” (Via Edward Champion)