Nickname Dan Brown’s Release Date

By Jason Boog 

the_lost_symbol-1.jpgThe release date for bestselling author Dan Brown’s new book is somewhat like a baby born with a whopping trust fund and daunting expectations–it deserves a media nickname. Brown’s last book sold about 81 million copies worldwide, the September 15th release of “The Lost Symbol” promises to be one of the most over-hyped and over-scrutinized release dates of 2009.

In other words, the media needs a slogan, catchphrase, or some other kind of cultural shorthand to describe this event. Sara Nelson suggested “DB-Day” in a Daily Beast article. On Twitter, GalleyCat readers weighed in: Sarah Wendell suggested these: “The This-Ain’t-Fixing-Publishing Code” and “Accounts Payable and Demons.” Sean Ferrell added this suggestion: “Releasavalations Day.” Unmoved by the hype, Ryan Chapman proposed calling it “Marco Polo’s birthday.”

What do you think? Add your catchy slogan in the comments section. The winner will see their name and catchphrase floating around this site as GalleyCat reports on this As-Yet-Unnamed-Dan-Brown-Publishing-Event.