News Made Poetry on Kickstarter

By Maryann Yin 

Poet Matthew Chase Whittemore hopes to raise $1,500 on Kickstarter for his “News Made Poetry” project. Above, we’ve embedded a video about the project.

Here’s more about the project: “Over the next year I’m going to read the New York Times, pick one article and then, by sampling words, ideas and phrases from that text, write a poem. Five days a week, I’m going to post this poem, along with the heavily noted newspaper clipping, to News Made Poetry is a poetry project for those who love poetry and for those who ask, ‘but whats the point?’  My goal is to build a bridge that connects poetry with everyday life, so that all can find the poems accessible. It is also a project aimed at helping people read the news.”

Welcome to our Kickstarter Publishing Project of the Week, a feature exploring how authors and publishers are using the fundraising site to raise money for book projects. If you want to start your own project, check out How To Use Kickstarter to Fund Your Publishing Project.