Nathan Bransford Leaves Curtis Brown & Joins CNET

By Jason Boog 

Curtis Brown agent Nathan Bransford told his online community today that he will no longer be a literary agent.

He explained in a post: “I am leaving the world of publishing to work at the tech news/review site CNET, where I will be helping to coordinate social media strategy.” His clients had included Rebecca S. Ramsay, Brad Geagley, and Barry Gifford.

He also explained that his bustling online community will continue: “The blog and Forums will live on. The topics will change just a bit as I will no longer be in the query trenches, but I still plan to continue to post about writing, books, and whatever strikes my fancy (monkeys) and hope you’ll stick around for the next phase in the blog’s evolution. One thing that has not changed and will not change is my passion for books and writing and I hope this will continue to be a friendly place where writers come together to talk writing and help each other out. This has become such an amazing, positive community thanks to you, and I feel honored to be a part of it.” (Via Colleen Lindasy)