NaNoWriMo Tip #30: Share Your Final Sentence

By Jason Boog 

nanowrimo.jpgIf you need a little extra motivation to finish your 50,000-word novel draft, here’s an extra push from the National Novel Writing Month Facebook page: “We’re so close to the last day! If you’ve crossed the 50K finish line, please share your final sentence!”

As of this writing, more than 700 writers had already shared their final sentence and hundreds of readers had enjoyed the section. It contains an inspiring, funny, and compelling array of novel endings.

This is our final NaNoWriMo Tip of the Day for 2010. Congratulations to all our readers participating in the marathon this year. As writers around the country joined the writing marathon this month, we shared one piece of advice or writing tool to help them cope with this daunting project.