NaNoWriMo Tip #19: Cross the Finish Line

By Dianna Dilworth 

Today is the last day of November, and it’s time to wrap up your novel. So today’s tip is: Cross the finish line.

If you don’t feel quite done yet, don’t give up, you still have today. Now is the time to pour yourself some coffee and finish your book. You may have hesitations or feel like sections need to be reworked, but leave those thoughts for the editing process. You’ll have plenty of time in 2016 to refine and rework your novel. The point of this month’s exercise is to get the first draft written, so go ahead and get it done.

This is our 19th NaNoWriMo Tip of the Day. To help GalleyCat readers take on the challenge of writing a draft for a 50,000-word novel in 30 days, we have been offering advice throughout the entire month.