NaNoWriMo Tip #16: Think Like a Marathon Runner

By Dianna Dilworth 

There is one week left in the NaNoWriMo novel writing challenge. You’ve come this far and you only have a little ways to go to cross the finish line. To help inspire you to keep up the hard work, we’ve collected three tips from marathon runners that can help inspire you with the last mile.

1. Women’s Running advices: “Remind yourself that this painful moment will soon be a distant memory. Try taking yourself to another place during the hard final miles of a marathon. You may be in a painful tough moment. But this moment will pass and it will just be a memory.”

2. Runner’s World suggests: “Talk to yourself. At around mile 23, says Arthur, “my head grasps the fact that I am actually going to finish. Yes, I’m really tired, but I tell myself, ‘I will finish somehow, some way.'”

3. says: “Stay Positive! No matter what happens, always stay positive. For every runner, there are points in the marathon where your body is saying no and the self-doubt starts creeping in. This is when you need to think positive thoughts and keep putting one foot in front of the other.”

This is our 16th NaNoWriMo Tip of the Day. To help GalleyCat readers take on the challenge of writing a draft for a 50,000-word novel in 30 days, we will be offering advice throughout the entire month.