Mystery Novelist Sandra Brown on Writing Conferences

By Jason Boog 

9781416563082.jpgOver at, novelist Sandra Brown fielded questions from readers, delivering practical advice on getting published.

While promoting her new novel, “Smash Cut,” Brown received a set of detailed questions from readers, a mix of readers, writers, and critics. Discussion ranged from digital book debate to the best way to find an agent.

Here’s some writing conference advice from the post: “[W]ay back when, I was invited to a writers’ conference at the University of Houston. I’ll be forever grateful to the author who insisted that I attend, because there I met editors (who weren’t nearly as frightening or intimidating as I had imagined them to be), new writers like me, published authors and agents. All this to say, workshops and seminars can be very helpful in the short term, but can also be the launchpad of a career.”