Mother’s Day Stress Test

By Jason Boog 

mothersday.jpgAs the recession continues and US unemployment hits 8.9 percent, Mother’s Day cards have taken on a soothing new tone to cope with these anxious times.

As part of a New Yorker online feature, Susan Orlean wrote about Mother’s Day cards’ new focus on easing stress and coping with troubles–like the pictured Hallmark card. For more writers contemplating motherhood, check out the Book Bench’s Honor Thy Mother thread.

Here’s an excerpt: “This year, the Mother’s Day cards have a whole new tone … [They are] designed for mothers on the verge of total collapse, decorated with the usual daisies and sunbursts and peachy-pink hearts, but with a message that could have been borrowed from a cardiovascular-care center. ‘Mom, it’s your special day/Please relax and enjoy it!’ and ‘Mother, take care of yourself and have a wonderful day’ and ‘Mom, you do so much. Today’s YOUR day–relax!’ Is someone at Hallmark monitoring women’s stress tests?”