More Choose Your Own Literary Elite Nickname Action

By Jason Boog 

lw23.jpgThe quest to uncover literary elite nicknames continues over at Gawker, where Doree Shafrir has collected nicknames of famous writers. Her updated list included nicknames for New York University professor (and GalleyCat interviewee) Lawrence Wechsler and the great J.D. Salinger.

Yesterday, we urged GalleyCat readers to visit this handy dandy Nickname Generator for inspiration–helping the next generation of literary elites pick nicknames that will work at poetry readings and wrestling matches.

Add your nickname in the comments. Here are some of the results: Erin Downing was tickled pink with her randomly generated nickname: “I’m ‘Steamy Pink Fiend’–it’s perfect.” Nova Ren Suma ended up with a cosmic name: “Wow, I got ‘The Galaxy.'” Finally, Gretchen Stelter picked two names: “My literary elite nickname: Maxi Circus Shadow (wha?) My superhero nickname: The Strangely Neutron (I hope that one sticks).”