Literary Politicians Lead Health Care Debate

By Jason Boog 

barackobama23.jpgWhile studying President Barack Obama’s health care op-ed in The New York Times today on the Morning Media Menu, discussion revolved around President Obama and U.S. Senator Arlen Specter’s literary politics.

Both politicians are notable readers and writers, as GalleyCat has analyzed the Obama Book Club and the Collected Works of Specter. Today’s special guest on Menu was Colby Hall, managing editor at the brand-new site, Mediaite, who added some thoughts about these literary politicians.

Hall added this comment about President Obama’s op-ed: “It is incredibly refreshing to have someone in office that–even if he didn’t write it, who knows how much was ghostwritten and how much was edited–could sit down and bang that [op-ed] out in pretty record time. It’s just nice to know you have a guy who can speak pretty fluently and have a command of the issues.”