Library Marriage Proposal

By Jason Boog 

To match our romantic bookstore marriage proposal story from last week, reader Stephanie Campisi sent us the story of library marriage proposal.

As you can see by the video embedded above, Campisi’s fiance used a special Marcel Proust book to prepare for his proposal. Read the whole story at her blog, but we’ve included the climactic moment below–we hope the new couple uses library card save-the-date cards.

Check it out: “I retrieved my Proust, and opened it up to find that a ring box-sized hole had been carved from it, at which point I checked to ensure that this was not, indeed a library copy. (Aside: thanks to Jimmy at FreeHollowBooks for his fabulous work) Inside the hole was a specially made ring box with the date and my and partner’s initials carved into it. And inside the box was a vintage 1930s-era ring … At this point my partner crept up beside me and asked if I’d marry him, to which I gave a very hushed, library-appropriate yes.”