Lesser Books Hashtag Sweeps Twitter

By Jason Boog 

twitterlogo2323.jpgGood titles are very hard to write. But they are very easy to destroy. On Twitter, hundreds (perhaps thousands) of readers are subtly changing Great Book Titles into Lesser Books by changing one or two words.

A few brilliant examples:
Starship Plumbers
The 40,553rd-to-Last of the Mohicans
The Moon Is a Nagging Girlfriend
A Few Years of Solitude
The Manager Of The Rings
The Grapes of Disapproval

Here at GalleyCat Headquarters, we spend entirely too much time on Twitter. Which is why we feel the burning desire to celebrate silly literary hashtags on sunny Fridays. To play the game, just tweet your title and slap the hashtag #lesserbooks at the end of the post.