Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library Offers Sneak Peek

By Maryann Yin 

Vonnegut Library.JPGOn November 12th, the Kurt Vonnegut Memorial Library allowed a sneak peek at the archive.  On December 3rd, half of the planned exhibits will be on display. The library will be fully functional in January.

The Chicago Tribune had more: “One exhibit is a gallery of Vonnegut art that includes pieces by the writer, two drawings by Vonnegut fan and 60 Minutes correspondent Morley Safer and ‘Star Time,’ a 20-feet timeline of important events in Vonnegut’s life painted by artist Chris King and text written by William Rodney Allen, editor of Conversations with Kurt Vonnegut.”

After discovering the Henry Miller Memorial Library, library president Julia Whitehead decided to do the same for Kurt Vonnegut. She earned the support of his children and started the library in 2008.