Karl Rove Memoir Reflects on Barack Obama and Colin Powell

By Jason Boog 

karlrove23.pngOn Monday, the memoir of conservative political strategist Karl Rove will ship–a 608-page tome entitled Courage and Consequence: My Life as a Conservative in the Fight.

Today Politico published a few juicy excerpts, looking at Rove’s score-settling passages. His memoir refers to a number of other political memoirists–a literary conversation within his political story. Here’s an excerpt: “I admire Colin Powell’s many years of service to our country and I think he was a fine secretary of state. But I sensed he never felt comfortable around me because he looked down on me as a ‘politico.'”

Rove also obsesses about a brief conversation with Barack Obama about a sentence in Obama’s memoir–a story that climaxes at a 2008 White House Correspondents’ Association dinner Rove attended with Newsweek editor Jon Meacham. Here’s Rove’s take: “At the dinner, Jon sat between me and Valerie Jarrett … During the dinner, Jarrett e-mailed Obama on her BlackBerry to let him know she was breaking bread with Satan himself. He e-mailed her back and Jarrett made the mistake of showing Jon and me his reply, which was ‘Rove hates me.’ I knew Senator Obama was alluding to our run-in over the passage in his book. I asked Jarrett to tell him I wasn’t in the habit of hating people.”