Jobs Involving Intellectual Property Make Up 6% of US GDP: IIPA

By Dianna Dilworth 

iipaJobs involving intellectual property are helping to keep the U.S. economy thriving, according to a new report from the International Intellectual Property Alliance. The research revealed that copyright industries added more than $1 trillion in value to the U.S. economy in a year, and comprised more 6 percent of the total US GDP.

The report examined the economic impact of US industries made up of the creation, production, distribution and exhibition of copyright materials ranging from newspapers and books to TV, music and radio.

The report found that these industries included about 5.4 million jobs for US workers or about 5 percent of all private sector jobs. These jobs paid on average 33 percent more than other jobs, according to the study. In addition, the study also revealed that this is a growing field and grew an aggregate annual rate of 4.7 percent, which is pretty impressive since this is twice the rate of growth for the US economy, according to the report.