Jennifer 8. Lee Compares eBooks & Dim Sum

By Jason Boog 

With Amazon cutting exclusive deals with major authors and Steig selling a million eBooks, Stacked Up TV asked a popular author and journalist about her Kindle.

In the Stacked Up TV video embedded above, The Fortune Cookie Chronicles author Jennifer 8. Lee showed off her Kindle as well as her print bookshelf.

Here’s more from eBookNewser: Lee loves sample chapters available on Kindles and equates them to Dim Sum. She also says that she spends more money on books now that she has a Kindle because you can spontaneously buy something. But for Lee there are two problems with Kindles — you can’t get them signed at book signings and you can’t read them in the bathtub. She also points out that you can’t see what others are reading on the subway and therefore they are less social.”