Jeff Bezos’ Wife Gives One-Star Amazon Review to New Book on Her Husband

By Dianna Dilworth 

amazonbookMacKenzie Bezos, the wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, gave a terrible one-star review to Brad Stone’s new book The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon on the book’s Amazon listing page.

In the review, headlined, “I wanted to like this book,” Bezos wrote, “I find way too many inaccuracies, and unfortunately that casts doubt over every episode in the book.” She goes on to explain that she has been married to Jeff for 20 years and lived through many of the events which take place in the book and accuses the author of inaccurately representing them.

In addition to “factual inaccuracies,” the author of using “techniques which stretch the boundaries of non-fiction, and the result is a lopsided and misleading portrait of the people and culture at Amazon.” Here is more from the review:

An author writing about any large organization will encounter people who recall moments of tension out of tens of thousands of hours of meetings and characterize them in their own way, and including those is legitimate. But I would caution readers to take note of the weak rhetorical devices used to make it sound like these quotes reflect daily life at Amazon or the majority viewpoint about working there.