How to Publish Your Texts Online

By Dianna Dilworth 

tawkersTech startup Tawkers has launched a new app that writers can use to publish text conversations online publicly.

Why would you want to do this? There could be a promotional or educational value, or a way to start a public debate. Perhaps you are a fiction author and you and another fiction writer are discussing books via text. Or perhaps you are a journalist and you have an interesting exchange with a world leader via text. There are lots of possibilities.

These conversations are published on the Tawkers website where readers can read and comment on the exchanges. You must get permission from the person you are texting with to publish your conversations. Check it out:

Click the “Start A Tawk” button to begin the quick and easy process of leading your own Tawk. From there, you’ll be shown how to invite your co-host, choose a start time and give your Tawk a title. As soon as your co-host accepts your invitation, both of you can share out the link to friends, followers and fans from across social networks, inviting them to come join the audience. The crowd gathers in a separate audience Forum where they can comment on the main conversation taking place between the two Hosts. At any time, Hosts have the power to “Spotlight” an audience comment, which threads it into their two-way chat and allows them to respond in front of everyone.