How To Find Music for Your Book Trailer

By Jason Boog 

In a fantastically practical post entitled How To Make a Book Trailer for $5, author Kate Noble showed aspiring writers how she built the book trailer embedded above–a $5 labor of love.

The post contained lots of good ideas, but we wanted to highlight the section about music. Noble shared some great tips and links for finding inexpensive music for your video. Any suggestions to add?

Here’s an excerpt: “Find music through a royalty-free music site that will fit your thematic aspirations, and purchase it.  Again, thank you Leanna Renee for pointing me towards some of the best royalty-free sites.  I happened to get incredibly lucky and find a royalty-free piece of music that I liked called Divertimento on a free/donation based site.  (And I gave the musician credit on the video.)  But if the music you find that works for you happens to cost $50 – buy it.  It’s worth it.”