Online Directory Collects 3,500+ Places to Publish Your Story or Poem

By Jason Boog 

All the short story writers and poets in the audience know how hard it can be to find a home for your work.

Using the awesome free directory at Duotrope you can explore more than 3,500 different publications, sorting the results by genre, length or pay-scale. We did a quick search for a hypothetical literary science fiction western story, discovering four publications that might be interested in our imaginary work.

Here’s more from the site: “Welcome to Duotrope, an award-winning, free writers’ resource listing over 3525 current Fiction and Poetry publications. Use this page to search for markets that may make a fine home for the piece you just polished … We usually make several updates per day, and we check each of the current listings regularly (at least once a month) to ensure the most up-to-date database humanly possible.”