How Novelist Alix Strauss Developed a Hotel Book Tour

By Jason Boog 

alix.jpgWhile building her book tour, one writer decided to add hotel stops to the list of bookstores and book clubs she would visit–complete with hotel-themed promotions.

Today’s guest on the Morning Media Menu was Alix Strauss, author of the novel, Based Upon Availability. She shared tips for connecting with book clubs and explained why she targeted hotels for her book tour.

Strauss explained: “[My] outreach was something that matched the book … For Based Upon Availability (which is about eight women who pass through the doors of the Four Seasons hotel) my thinking was–let’s reach out to the hotels. It’s a great way for me to promote this novel in a venue that matches the theme.”

She concluded: “I had mints created that say Based Upon Availability, I had slippers made with the monogram of Based Upon Availability–because it’s all about recreating the hotel experience … At my readings, I like to give out quizzes or giveaways, because it makes for a more exciting evening. As a producer or an events person, the goal really becomes this–give people more than they expected in an event.”