How Many Hours Have You Spent Writing?

By Jason Boog 

How many hours did you spend writing last week? Multiply that times 52 and you will have a rough idea of your annual dedication to the craft of writing.

In the rambling and inspiring video embedded above (contains a bit of swearing), novelist Yuvi Zalkow speculates that it will take aspiring authors 10,000 hours of writing to master the craft. What do you think?

I also see how we writers are so compelled to obsess over the accolades we think we deserve before fully maturing our writing chops. And so this video turned into a talk about the need to write. To write a lot. Without doing a lick of research (or even bothering to read his book), I swiped Malcolm Gladwell’s notion that it takes 10,000 hours to master a particular craft. (Don’t quote me on this!) I just love the idea of that number because it is a damn big number. And I think it is roughly true. It takes a long time for most of us mortals to get good at writing. (Via Reddit Lit Videos)