How Does a Writer Move On After Great Success?

By Maryann Yin 

How do you follow-up great success or great failure?

For Elizabeth Gilbert, she needs to “go home” which means going back to writing. In a presentation delivered at the TED 2014 conference, Gilbert shares the thoughts and fears that came to her after experiencing phenomenal success with Eat, Pray, Love.

We’ve embedded the full talk in the video above. Back in 2009, Gilbert gave a TED talk called “Your Elusive Creative Genius.” It has drawn more than 8 million views. The TED team included it in a video playlist called “The Creative Spark.”

Gilbert followed up Eat, Pray, Love with her 2010 memoir Committed. In 2013, her publisher released her sixth book; a novel entitled The Signature of All Things. She worked on both projects while living in a house located in Frenchtown, NJ. According to The New York Times, that property is currently on the market.

The attic space features a “1,400-square-foot ‘Skybrary’ (translation: library in the sky), a mystical aerie carved and customized for Ms. Gilbert by an imaginative carpenter, Michael Flood. In the basement, a terra-cotta honeycomb from Brazil holds 500 bottles of wine. Buddha statuary is a recurring theme in the garden.” Who’s going house hunting?