Here’s A Crime Reporter With a Real Inside Scoop

By Neal 

(Warning: Although safe for work, this trailer discusses crimes of a violent and quasi-sexual nature.)

John Leake‘s Entering Hades is probably more along the lines of Sarah’s expertise, from when she was sharing the GalleyCat workload, but the story of Jack Unterweger sure sounds interesting to me. After all, who wouldn’t be interested in a serial killer who turns out to be one of the journalists who’s most aggressively reporting to the public on the story of his own crimes? For that matter, who among us familiar with the contours of the publishing industry can’t help but be a little bit curious about a true crime book from Farrar Straus Giroux? I mean, if that’s not a “your chocolate in my peanut butter” moment, I don’t know what is. (Of course, editor Sarah Crichton does have a pretty sharp eye for smart books with commercial potential…)