Gatwick Airport Is Looking For Children’s Book Authors

By Dianna Dilworth 

London’s Gatwick airport is looking for children’s book authors to participate in writing contest as part of the airport’s new partnership with the social music network SoundCloud.

Through SoundCloud, the airport has been giving away free audiobooks of classic children’s book such as GoldilocksThe Ugly Duckling and Sleeping Beauty and would like to extend their offering.

AppNewser has more: “The airport would like to expand its content and is therefore running a contest for children’s book writers to submit stories to be featured on the channel. The airport will record a new story every week throughout the summer until the end of the summer.”

The airport is looking for stories that are five to thirty minutes when read. Their Tumblr page has more: “If you are in the process of writing a book, and only want to provide us an extract that is fine, so long as it has a fairly self contained narrative. Though the story should be unpublished, you maintain full copyright.   However, you also get the chance to get your story heard by a much wider audience.”

Be sure to check out our SoundCloud tips for writers post as you prepare your entry for the contest.