Galley Wolf Joins Our Pet Parade

By Jason Boog 

GalleyCat readers around the globe have joined our annual Pet Parade, sending photos of their literary pets.

Novelist P.I. Barrington sent a photograph of her literary dog, writing: “This is Gizeh, my Malamute/Timberwolf, acting as beta reader and editor for Isadora DayStar, my dark sci-fi adventure! She refused to take the specs off once I put them on her!”

More photos follow below–we will collect all the entries at this link.

Author Joshua Heights sent us a picture of Poe, “the connoisseur of comfort.”

Reader Marie Scampini sent a picture of Zoe the Wonder Dog.

Kirkus Reviews senior indie editor Karen Schechner sent this photo: “Here’s Lila. She’s waiting for tech support.”

Brynna Curry writes: “Asheron was a Christmas gift from my children. Ash loves to bat at my keyboard when I am writing.”

Consortium Book Sales & Distribution academic and library marketing manager Heather C. Hart writes: “Maxwell is ready for the holidays…begrudgingly. (He really hates anything on his head.) I don’t have any photos of him next to books because he thinks books are yummy. The books stay in the bookcases, where they become magical fixtures that don’t move and aren’t edible to him…at least, not yet.”

KS Augustin writes: “Sausage hasn’t seen a screen she doesn’t like. Start the projector and she’s there, watching lectures and documentaries with us. She particularly likes cooking programmes (she’ll sniff the air if she sees something frying) and Geometry classes. Here she is, mascot and teacher’s assistant, waiting for school to begin! We live in Malaysia and run Sandal Press from a very soggy spot in the south of the peninsula.”