Gabriel Garcia Marquez Writing New Novel

By Maryann Yin 

marquez.jpgRandom House Mondadori editor Cristobal Pera revealed that Nobel Literature Prize-winner Gabriel García Márquez is currently hard at work on a new novel. Some had worried he would never publish again.

Yahoo! News reports: “The editor said Garcia, who was last seen in public two weeks ago in Mexico City, was busy completing his latest novel En agosto nos vemos, whose title in English means We’ll Meet in August and which awaits a publishing date.”

Today marks the release date of Márquez’s latest non-fiction book, I Didn’t Come to Give a Speech (Yo no vengo a decir un discurso). This work compiles 22 speeches Márquez had given from age 17 to the present. The book includes his 1982 acceptance speech for the Nobel prize, The Solitude of Latin America.